Tyler Berg | Instructor Bio

  • Tyler Berg
    tie-lurh buhrg
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
    Guitar, Ukulele, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Rock Band Coaching

  • What is your teaching philosophy?
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in the virtue of patience, and a deep respect for each students unique learning process. Most importantly, I want my students to experience music lessons as a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience. 

    How long have you been teaching music? At YMP?
    I have been teaching music in Chicago for the past decade and am excited to be newly relocated to Portland. My first term with YMP begins in January 2017.

    What is your favorite thing about teaching music?
    My favorite thing about teaching music is sharing and supporting the students through the highs and lows of the journey, and of course the “ah-ha” breakthrough moments that happen throughout the learning process. 

    What do you expect of your students?
    I expect my students to come to classes/lessons with a positive attitude, as prepared as possible, try their best, and treat everyone involved with respect.

    About Tyler
    Tyler began playing piano at the age of eight. He received his BA in Jazz Studies from Columbia College Chicago in 2010 and also studied formally on piano, guitar, bass, trumpet, violin, percussion, and voice. As a recent transplant to the Portland area, he is currently building connections for freelance performance work. For now, you can catch Tyler around town playing with the Blue Wave wedding band. In the near future, Tyler will be performing jazz and other original music. Tyler has many musical influences, but he gives a shout out to Baby Dodds for being the first person to play a drum set in a configuration similar to what we see today.

2023 Summer Camp Band Tee Quilt raffle tickets on sale now!Click here for tickets